Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Adolescent Menstrual Variation and Oral Contraceptives

The guest post below is by LEE alums Theresa and Ashley (currently skilled lab technicians planning their next steps in life!), with minimal editing by me. They did some fantastic research in their senior year and put together this blog post to teach the world about menstrual cycling in young girls. It's worth a read, and please comment with your thoughts!

Adolescent Menstrual Variation and Oral Contraceptives
By: Theresa Emmerling, Ashley Higgins and Kathryn Clancy

ResearchBlogging.orgMany informational videos and documentaries have been produced to inform young women on the changes that they will experience during puberty and upon first menstruation, also called menarche. Unfortunately, these explanations are quite often generalizations that can lead to misrepresentations of what is normal. The information available to young women today stresses normative values for menstrual cycle length rather than the wide degree of variation characteristic of their cycles and may have an impact on adolescents’ future choices concerning oral contraceptives.

Figure 1 from Vihko and Apter 1984
Most women are taught that the menstrual cycle is twenty-eight days long, with ovulation occurring at day 14, and that only tiny deviations from this are healthy. Teens are taught to expect that every month after first menses they will experience menstruation for about 5 days; however, most adolescents do not experience the average menstrual cycle. Many adolescents experience longer menstrual cycles, with the luteal phase lasting anywhere between four to thirteen days (Apter, 1978), and anovulation, where an egg is not released from the ovary, is the primary characteristic of their cycles (Figure 1, Vihko and Apter 1984). The HPO axis is not an “on/off” switch that commences a string of twenty-eight day menstrual cycles at menarche. Rather, it takes time for the pituitary to respond to LH surges, which occurs only after multiple exposures to GnRH and estrogen (Apter et al, 1978; Apter, 1997). Therefore, it can take an adolescent up to five years to begin seeing something closer to the average twenty-eight day cycle (Figures 1 and 2, Vihko and Apter 1984).

Figure 2 from Vihko and Apter 1984
To be fair, the challenge is determining what the normal variation in an adolescent’s cycle is and what is due to pathology: environmental factors and pathologies may influence the menstrual cycle during development of the HPO axis. Numerous studies have tried to pathologize what we believe is normal variation in adolescent menstrual cycles, calling them “menstrual disturbances” or characterizing them as some level of amenorrhea (Morimatsu et al, 2009). As of yet, there is no conclusive evidence. Many studies find correlations between irregular menstrual cycles and pathology (Singer et al, 2009), but do not control for oral contraceptives (i.e., van Hoof et al, 2004), other environmental factors that may influence the HPO axis (Christo et al, 2008), or the study consists of adolescents with an already known pathology (El-Khayat, 2008). The American Academy of Pediatrics published a paper in 2006 stating that while the definition of amenorrhea is the absence of menses for six or more months, adolescents should be examined after only three months and "not reassured that it is 'normal' to have irregular periods in the first gynecological years" (p. 2247).

Given that it is more common, even normal, for adolescents to have very long menstrual cycles, we are concerned with what looks like stronger criteria for amenorrhea in exactly the population where it is expected (though the AAP paper discusses the low frequency of very long cycles, it also fails to mention the frequency of the pathology they worry is hidden in these long cycles). Further, more stringent criteria that misrepresents normal variation in this group of women serves only to frighten a population already concerned about normality and fitting in. For many, the teenage years are a time when standing out is to be avoided, and anything that makes one seem abnormal – an early or late age at menarche, long or short menstrual cycles – can be a stigma and cause stress. Educating young women on the reality, that this variation is what is normal, and that if anything the 28-day cycle is abnormal at this life stage, may prevent some of the considerable misunderstandings they have about their health. Understanding one's own body is an important step in making educated, healthy choices in the future. If most young women do not actually experience what they are taught is the average menstrual cycle, despite the fact that the reality is that wide variation in menstrual cycle length is the primary characteristic of post-menarcheal cycling, we are providing information that could lead them to feel abnormal and want to treat what is likely healthy variation.

A source of serious concern stems from what’s happening in the doctor’s office. Doctors, particularly in the United States, prescribe oral contraceptives at the slightest mention of deviation from the norm or evidence of a “menstrual disturbance.” In 79% of cases, health care providers will prescribe OCs at the patient’s request (Andrista et al, 2004). Less than 5% of doctors offer alternative forms of contraception to their patients in the US (Gerschultz, 2007), despite the fact that intrauterine devices, or IUDs, are more widely prescribed globally, and are both safe and effective. Future research questions should address whether doctors believe OCs are the best choice for women or that they the easiest method to prescribe; further, it is important to understand the decisions involved in prescribing these hormone treatments to adolescents. We have found evidence of doctors prescribing oral contraceptives to girls as young as twelve years of age (Cromer et al., 2008). Additionally, doctors prescribe OCs for adolescents who do not “live a lifestyle conducive to menstruation” (Sucato, 2002). We worry that ingesting cocktails of exogenous hormones have become a tool of convenience without regard to the possible trade-offs in their consumption. There is a large gap in the literature concerning adolescents and the long-term effects of OCs, yet doctors’ primary concern is that adolescents will accidentally skip a couple pills every pack (Omar et al, 2005).

Natural variation in adolescent hormone levels is a largely unexplored realm of science, with the same handful of decades-old articles cited repeatedly. Further research will yield not only a better understanding of this "time of change" but also less pathologizing of natural variation. However, until that research is published and generally accepted in the scientific and medical communities, the prescription of OCs for adolescents should weighted against the possible long-term impacts of priming an immature HPO axis with hormones.


American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Adolescence, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Adolescent Health Care, Diaz A, Laufer MR, & Breech LL (2006). Menstruation in girls and adolescents: using the menstrual cycle as a vital sign. Pediatrics, 118 (5), 2245-50 PMID: 17079600

Andrist LC, Arias RD, Nucatola D, Kaunitz AM, Musselman BL, Reiter S, Boulanger J, Dominguez L, & Emmert S (2004). Women's and providers' attitudes toward menstrual suppression with extended use of oral contraceptives. Contraception, 70 (5), 359-63 PMID: 15504373

Apter, D, Viinikka, L, Vihko, R. (1978). Hormonal pattern of adolescent menstrual cycles. J of Clin Endocrinol Metab 47: 944-954.

APTER, D. (1997). Development of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 816 (1 Adolescent Gy), 9-21 DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1997.tb52125.x

Christo, K., Cord, J., Mendes, N., Miller, K., Goldstein, M., Klibanski, A., & Misra, M. (2008). Acylated ghrelin and leptin in adolescent athletes with amenorrhea, eumenorrheic athletes and controls: a cross-sectional study Clinical Endocrinology, 69 (4), 628-633 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2008.03237.x

Cromer BA, Bonny AE, Stager M, Lazebnik R, Rome E, Ziegler J, Camlin-Shingler K, & Secic M (2008). Bone mineral density in adolescent females using injectable or oral contraceptives: a 24-month prospective study. Fertility and sterility, 90 (6), 2060-7 PMID: 18222431

El-Khayat, H., Soliman, N., Tomoum, H., Omran, M., El-Wakad, A., & Shatla, R. (2008). Reproductive hormonal changes and catamenial pattern in adolescent females with epilepsy Epilepsia, 49 (9), 1619-1626 DOI: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01622.x

GERSCHULTZ, K., SUCATO, G., HENNON, T., MURRAY, P., & GOLD, M. (2007). Extended Cycling of Combined Hormonal Contraceptives in Adolescents: Physician Views and Prescribing Practices Journal of Adolescent Health, 40 (2), 151-157 DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2006.09.013

Morimatsu, Y., Matsubara, S., Watanabe, T., Hashimoto, Y., Matsui, T., Asada, K., & Suzuki, M. (2009). Future recovery of the normal menstrual cycle in adolescent patients with secondary amenorrhea Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 35 (3), 545-550 DOI: 10.1111/j.1447-0756.2009.01014.x

Omar H, Kives S, & Allen L (2005). Extended use of the oral contraceptive pill--is it an acceptable option for the adolescent? Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology, 18 (4), 285-8 PMID: 16171734

Singer, K., Rosenthal, A., & Kasa-Vubu, J. (2009). Elevated Testosterone and Hypergonadotropism in Active Adolescents of Normal Weight with Oligomenorrhea Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 22 (5), 323-327 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpag.2008.12.010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Check out my new blog!

Context and Variation won out as the blog title, because it seemed the most adaptable to the many purposes of the blog. Please check out the first post of my new blog and let me know what you think!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Help me choose a blog title

I have been thinking a lot about this space on the Laboratory for Evolutionary Endocrinology blog. I want this blog to be a place for research blogging, announcements about the lab, and where other voices from the lab besides me are heard. I will start to set this up by encouraging others in the group to write. I'd like to have a separate space for my own musings; many things will be cross-posted, but that way I won't feel like I'm hogging the front page of the lab's website and you all can come to this site to appreciate the awesomeness of the whole lab group and what we're up to.

My own blog will be a science blog, mostly on reproductive ecology, human biological variation, and evolutionary medicine. I will occasionally mix personal, political and academic, but a lot of what I'll do there will be research blogging. I have strong points of view that I want to advance about science communication and literacy, women's reproductive health, and higher education, and I want to start to engage not just regular readers of science blogs, like other science bloggers, academics, and layfolk interested in science (though that whole audience is definitely important to me), but also my past and current students, and women who google their way to me because they want to learn more about things like PMS.

But my new blog will need a name. It could certainly just be MY name. But it would be nice to have it mean something, either by saying something about what is important to me as an academic, or specifically as an anthropologist. I'll offer a few ideas I'm kicking around for titles, but would also love to hear either votes of confidence in what I've thought of, or a few ideas of your own.

My current favorite:
"Context and variation" (I'm really leaning towards this one because it so nicely defines what I think is important in women's reproductive biology AND scientific literacy)

Runner up:
"Ladybusiness Anthropology" (because it makes me laugh every time)

Others I like:
"Rosie the Pipettor"
"Anthropology for the ladies"
"Fertile Anthropology"
"We can observe it!"
"Spit Jockey"
"Proximate causation"

So... what do you think?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Which is more safe: home birth or hospital birth?

ResearchBlogging.orgYou have probably seen the buzz about the recent American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology article (Wax et al 2010) on home birth safety, and the editorial in the Lancet that took the article’s shaky meta-analysis to crazytown: “Women have the right to choose how and where to give birth, but they do not have the right to put their baby at risk,” they write.

I have a lot of thoughts about this study and how it has been covered, by medical doctors and by the media. My main issues revolve around: 1) what these statistics mean from a personal versus a public health perspective, 2) maternal recovery and mortality, 3) the problem with criminalizing home birth, 4) the literature around birth experiences and the process of birth and resources for women, and 5) how we should look at this topic in the future.

What do these statistics mean?

According to the Wax et al (2010) meta-analysis, the difference in infant mortality between hospital births and home births is 0.2% versus 0.9% (other people have already done a nice take-down of the cherry-picking of older studies that have received significant criticism, yet were included). While headlines have screamed that this is a three-fold difference, it makes sense for us to pay attention to the absolute values. Infant mortality, in hospital or home births, is under one percent. We can’t even say that one in one hundred babies die in childbirth in developed countries any more (at least not as a whole – for now I’ll side-step some major differences relating to social disparities and race). If you are pregnant and considering where you want to give birth, I’m not sure how this slight difference could really sway you one way or the other. The problem is that the editors of the Lancet (and others) are conflating public health recommendations with personal recommendations… and shaming women in the process.

From a public health perspective, I suppose I can grudgingly understand why the difference in infant mortality in home versus hospital births matters. But you cannot take population-wide statistics and apply them to individuals. To do so is to ignore inter and intrapopulational variation, and to take a women’s decision about her body out of the context in which it should be understood.

Another thing to notice, Wax et al (2010) found that “neonatal outcomes of planned home births revealed less frequent prematurity, low birthweight, and assisted newborn ventilation.” So of the more than 99% of babies who were fine, home birth babies tended to be healthier. This of course could be a bias of who chooses a planned home birth versus someone who does not, so I am not assuming the directionality to be that the home birth predicts healthier kids. But I wouldn’t be surprised if further analysis showed both directions to be causal; that is, that women more likely to have healthier kids choose to plan a home birth, but also that because home births have fewer interventions those kids are more likely to be healthy.

What about maternal health?

What the Lancet editorial and Wax et al (2010) mention only briefly, is that for maternal mortality and morbidity in low-risk births, to me, home births (and, I would contend, birth center births) are the clear winner. By not being in the same room as epidural medicine (it’s right behind you in big cabinets, just waiting for you to say “ow”*), single beds with little room to maneuver, continuous fetal monitoring and an IV under your skin as soon as you’re admitted, you avoid interventions that often carry their own significant risks and precipitate a cascade of other interventions.

Many women in the US don’t want to give birth in hospitals because being in a hospital increases the risk of maternal mortality and morbidity and, perhaps more importantly, slows recovery time. I say the recovery time issue may be more important, because while the US is embarrassingly bad at keeping mothers alive, the numbers are still better than in infant mortality (though, obviously, this makes sense from a life history perspective). The US is ranked 40th in the world in terms of maternal mortality – that means 39 countries do a better job keeping women alive during childbirth. Our incidence of maternal mortality is increasing, not decreasing, with the latest figures for 2008 being 17 deaths out of 100,000 births (Canada, for instance, has 7/100,000). Developed countries with higher rates of home birth have lower rates of maternal mortality.

Criminalizing home birth

Another problem I have is that part of the reason they cite home births as unsafe is that so few of them are staffed by certified midwives (only one third according to the Lancet editorial). The only reason more home births are not staffed by certified midwives is that organizations like the American Medical Association and others have lobbied to keep home births illegal in many states. Midwives cannot legally help a family give birth at home where I now live, in Illinois. Instead, I have been told by local homebirth supporters that there is an underground movement of lay midwives who try to help women stay out of hospitals, if it’s what they want. Is this a safe way to give birth if you are low-risk? Maybe, maybe not. I’m not sure I would be keen on a home birth that did not have a Certified Professional Midwife or Certified Nurse Midwife attending, who also had a good relationship to a doctor at the nearest hospital. But I also would not want to give low-risk birth in a hospital, even if I had a midwife, because of the major risks you incur just by stepping into a hospital (like infection). Women in states like mine are stuck between a rock and a hard place: give birth at home and risk not having someone with the right qualifications (and potentially face legal action), or risk giving birth under conditions where you may have interventions you don't want, and treated like something less than human (which I'll get to more in the next section).

By criminalizing home birth, medical doctors and their lobbyists force women who don’t want a medical birth to find less-than-perfect alternatives. So when Lancet editors and others criticize US women for not having the right people at their home births, I call shenanigans: they were complicit in making the laws that prohibit it in the first place.

Birth experiences in hospitals, birth centers and the home

There is a huge literature already on the medicalization and pathologization of femaleness, and I encourage you to devour it all, from Emily Martin’s The Woman in the Body to Robbie Davis-Floyd’s Birth as an American Rite of Passage.

So the other issue I want to make sure to include here is that pregnant patients don’t have the same rights as non-pregnant patients in a hospital (link to pdf), to refuse treatment, to leave, to contest a decision; hospitals can and do get court orders to force pregnant women to receive treatments they have refused. On the one hand, I can understand that sometimes decisions need to be made quickly during labor. On the other hand, I think there is a problem when we place a fetus’s rights above that of its mother’s. This recent story of police violence against a pregnant woman links to several problems with pregnant patient rights. Here are examples of court-ordered interventions. And here is more information on pregnant patient rights.

These are other reasons many women find the idea of a hospital birth frightening, and thus choose home birth or a birthing center. And if you read Davis-Floyd and others, you will see the interviews of women who have had hospital births how they were disempowered by the experience. This isn’t to say there aren’t many, many women who aren’t totally satisfied with hospital births, and would never consider home birth. It’s just to say that to acknowledge differences in infant mortality risk that are not necessarily meaningful to an individual making a decision about this, in the absence of all this other information, is disingenuous on the part of the editorial writers at the Lancet.

Future work on this topic

My daughter, just born at the birth center.
Rather than blaming the women who are trying to make the best decisions for themselves and their families and fetuses, medical doctors should be doing more to make different kinds of birth options available for women. In 2008, I gave birth in a birth center that was across the street from a hospital – the Cambridge Birth Center in Cambridge, MA. I had midwives, doulas, a labor and delivery nurse, my husband and sister to help me. I had a nice big king-size bed, a big tub to labor in, and just about every device you can think of to help me labor and push out the baby, from floating noodles for the tub, to a yoga ball, to a birthing stool. The time to get from the birth center to operating room if there was a complication was 4 minutes – the same amount of time had I been in the delivery room at the same hospital. This option is not available to me now, as a resident of the state of Illinois.

I’d like to see is re-analysis of the literature, where only home births with a certified midwife are analyzed. This is what is possible if we allow women more choices in where they give birth, so this is what we should examine. When we decriminalize women who don’t want the higher risk of epidurals or cesareans or infections, when we provide women more options for how and when to labor and give birth to their babies, and when we are honest with the failings of the medical system towards pregnant women and women in general, we’ll be heading in the right direction.


Wax, J., Lucas, F., Lamont, M., Pinette, M., Cartin, A., & Blackstone, J. (2010). Maternal and newborn outcomes in planned home birth vs planned hospital births: a metaanalysis American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2010.05.028

Editorial staff (2010). Home birth--proceed with caution. Lancet, 376 (9738) PMID: 20674705

*What bothers me about epidurals and narcotics is not that women choose to use them during birth. I have given birth, I know how much it hurts and how it feels like the pain will never, ever end. I would never, ever begrudge a woman for choosing pain relief under those circumstances. What bothers me is that it is presented almost as a given in most hospital settings these days, since the medicine is already in the mother’s hospital room. There are many interventions one can give for pain that are not pharmaceutical, but few doctors are trained in these interventions. My midwives and doulas had so many tricks up their sleeves that even though I was in excruciating pain, I was able to remain in the birth center and have a totally normal, natural childbirth. I also want to be clear that if I hadn’t clearly stated I wanted this in my birth plan, they would not have worked so hard to make this possible. I wanted to be kept out of the hospital, kept away from the risk of infection and the risk of narcotics and the risk of cesareans and episiotomies, so they helped facilitate that within what was safe for me and my baby.